Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 01-Sep-2024 07:04 +07

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 34789
Total Files 30106
Total Pages 19539
Total Visits 3262
Total KBytes 487009
Total Unique Sites 2671
Total Unique URLs 261
Total Unique Referrers 135
Total Unique User Agents 419
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 46 6704
Hits per Day 1122 7429
Files per Day 971 7328
Pages per Day 630 6972
Sites per Day 86 357
Visits per Day 105 330
KBytes per Day 15710 71472
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 86.54% 30106
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.44% 154
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.40% 139
Code 302 - Found 0.03% 9
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.74% 256
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.28% 99
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 3
Code 404 - Not Found 11.55% 4017
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.02% 6

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 764 2.20% 585 1.94% 381 1.95% 183 5.61% 202 7.56% 9789 2.01%
2 558 1.60% 453 1.50% 234 1.20% 95 2.91% 124 4.64% 8461 1.74%
3 709 2.04% 630 2.09% 405 2.07% 81 2.48% 96 3.59% 11335 2.33%
4 705 2.03% 632 2.10% 509 2.61% 90 2.76% 101 3.78% 10019 2.06%
5 507 1.46% 438 1.45% 283 1.45% 67 2.05% 79 2.96% 7181 1.47%
6 1035 2.98% 943 3.13% 243 1.24% 85 2.61% 140 5.24% 22230 4.56%
7 981 2.82% 870 2.89% 346 1.77% 111 3.40% 155 5.80% 19407 3.98%
8 1070 3.08% 859 2.85% 259 1.33% 92 2.82% 126 4.72% 16666 3.42%
9 552 1.59% 455 1.51% 201 1.03% 106 3.25% 159 5.95% 11580 2.38%
10 534 1.53% 483 1.60% 202 1.03% 73 2.24% 67 2.51% 6327 1.30%
11 356 1.02% 304 1.01% 245 1.25% 73 2.24% 99 3.71% 6607 1.36%
12 501 1.44% 422 1.40% 369 1.89% 82 2.51% 91 3.41% 6369 1.31%
13 2728 7.84% 2320 7.71% 656 3.36% 85 2.61% 99 3.71% 41392 8.50%
14 7429 21.35% 7328 24.34% 6972 35.68% 318 9.75% 345 12.92% 71472 14.68%
15 397 1.14% 300 1.00% 217 1.11% 114 3.49% 131 4.90% 6606 1.36%
16 892 2.56% 777 2.58% 587 3.00% 78 2.39% 82 3.07% 14854 3.05%
17 453 1.30% 349 1.16% 196 1.00% 97 2.97% 121 4.53% 7160 1.47%
18 2277 6.55% 2206 7.33% 2060 10.54% 330 10.12% 357 13.37% 21728 4.46%
19 1227 3.53% 1055 3.50% 398 2.04% 123 3.77% 159 5.95% 24872 5.11%
20 954 2.74% 704 2.34% 321 1.64% 88 2.70% 115 4.31% 21434 4.40%
21 872 2.51% 766 2.54% 253 1.29% 90 2.76% 127 4.75% 21529 4.42%
22 415 1.19% 343 1.14% 215 1.10% 71 2.18% 92 3.44% 5804 1.19%
23 531 1.53% 461 1.53% 204 1.04% 78 2.39% 138 5.17% 8000 1.64%
24 1029 2.96% 927 3.08% 241 1.23% 104 3.19% 221 8.27% 20381 4.18%
25 436 1.25% 330 1.10% 328 1.68% 74 2.27% 103 3.86% 4587 0.94%
26 650 1.87% 510 1.69% 150 0.77% 60 1.84% 80 3.00% 7416 1.52%
27 745 2.14% 537 1.78% 398 2.04% 63 1.93% 70 2.62% 5568 1.14%
28 1667 4.79% 791 2.63% 985 5.04% 77 2.36% 91 3.41% 16549 3.40%
29 1537 4.42% 1291 4.29% 783 4.01% 83 2.54% 176 6.59% 17789 3.65%
30 1283 3.69% 1165 3.87% 512 2.62% 112 3.43% 206 7.71% 21724 4.46%
31 995 2.86% 872 2.90% 386 1.98% 79 2.42% 142 5.32% 12174 2.50%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 21 673 1.93% 17 537 1.78% 7 235 1.20% 463 14360 2.95%
1 72 2256 6.48% 68 2121 7.05% 61 1919 9.82% 798 24750 5.08%
2 14 452 1.30% 10 320 1.06% 7 246 1.26% 193 5984 1.23%
3 16 513 1.47% 13 410 1.36% 8 273 1.40% 268 8316 1.71%
4 23 720 2.07% 19 607 2.02% 15 492 2.52% 281 8720 1.79%
5 14 461 1.33% 11 343 1.14% 7 239 1.22% 265 8216 1.69%
6 43 1334 3.83% 34 1067 3.54% 18 581 2.97% 586 18179 3.73%
7 30 949 2.73% 26 825 2.74% 19 608 3.11% 345 10706 2.20%
8 36 1138 3.27% 25 778 2.58% 10 319 1.63% 464 14378 2.95%
9 37 1149 3.30% 32 1015 3.37% 10 324 1.66% 705 21865 4.49%
10 54 1680 4.83% 49 1541 5.12% 18 573 2.93% 856 26523 5.45%
11 42 1324 3.81% 37 1177 3.91% 22 696 3.56% 606 18787 3.86%
12 252 7842 22.54% 245 7612 25.28% 228 7098 36.33% 2545 78902 16.20%
13 33 1040 2.99% 28 887 2.95% 14 463 2.37% 548 16991 3.49%
14 31 986 2.83% 27 843 2.80% 11 352 1.80% 635 19699 4.04%
15 46 1440 4.14% 40 1248 4.15% 16 511 2.62% 842 26088 5.36%
16 91 2833 8.14% 77 2391 7.94% 22 702 3.59% 1165 36122 7.42%
17 47 1471 4.23% 42 1329 4.41% 24 761 3.89% 744 23050 4.73%
18 31 961 2.76% 27 843 2.80% 11 368 1.88% 536 16617 3.41%
19 34 1074 3.09% 31 973 3.23% 21 651 3.33% 413 12795 2.63%
20 34 1075 3.09% 27 848 2.82% 13 413 2.11% 722 22391 4.60%
21 26 827 2.38% 23 743 2.47% 14 434 2.22% 439 13610 2.79%
22 36 1118 3.21% 32 1022 3.39% 11 349 1.79% 752 23320 4.79%
23 47 1473 4.23% 20 626 2.08% 30 932 4.77% 537 16636 3.42%

Top 30 of 261 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8403 24.15% 71764 14.74% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
2 3376 9.70% 13509 2.77% /
3 1444 4.15% 58815 12.08% /stylesheets/layout-css-1.css
4 1406 4.04% 2397 0.49% /stylesheets/reset.css
5 986 2.83% 5867 1.20% /หน้าแรก/
6 850 2.44% 3782 0.78% /Contact-us/
7 617 1.77% 785 0.16% /scripts/menu_selection.js
8 486 1.40% 2233 0.46% /首页/
9 448 1.29% 4247 0.87% /Our-services/
10 384 1.10% 1442 0.30% /Activities-gallery/
11 312 0.90% 890 0.18% /images/pq_icon.ico
12 288 0.83% 1649 0.34% /About-us/
13 248 0.71% 4163 0.85% /บริการ/
14 226 0.65% 988 0.20% /Packing-solution/
15 224 0.64% 693 0.14% /Customer-relationships/
16 210 0.60% 1024 0.21% /ติดต่อเรา/
17 180 0.52% 1696 0.35% /เกี่ยวกับเรา/
18 158 0.45% 642 0.13% /กิจกรรมและข่าว/
19 154 0.44% 28073 5.76% /The General Terms and Conditions/The General Terms and Conditions.pdf
20 148 0.43% 486 0.10% /ลูกค้าสัมพันธ์/
21 142 0.41% 418 0.09% /客户关系/
22 124 0.36% 469 0.10% /活动图库/
23 120 0.34% 949 0.19% /我们的服务/
24 114 0.33% 610 0.13% /关于我们/
25 108 0.31% 456 0.09% /联系我们/
26 80 0.23% 8729 1.79% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202407.html
27 75 0.22% 8712 1.79% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202404.html
28 73 0.21% 614 0.13% /plesk-stat/webstat/
29 48 0.14% 4811 0.99% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202403.html
30 44 0.13% 5657 1.16% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202407.html

Top 10 of 261 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8403 24.15% 71764 14.74% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
2 1444 4.15% 58815 12.08% /stylesheets/layout-css-1.css
3 154 0.44% 28073 5.76% /The General Terms and Conditions/The General Terms and Conditions.pdf
4 3376 9.70% 13509 2.77% /
5 80 0.23% 8729 1.79% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202407.html
6 75 0.22% 8712 1.79% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202404.html
7 986 2.83% 5867 1.20% /หน้าแรก/
8 44 0.13% 5657 1.16% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202407.html
9 48 0.14% 4811 0.99% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202403.html
10 44 0.13% 4603 0.95% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202408.html

Top 10 of 70 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3376 9.70% 991 34.09% /
2 8403 24.15% 504 17.34% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
3 986 2.83% 187 6.43% /หน้าแรก/
4 850 2.44% 84 2.89% /Contact-us/
5 75 0.22% 69 2.37% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202404.html
6 73 0.21% 64 2.20% /plesk-stat/webstat/
7 288 0.83% 61 2.10% /About-us/
8 248 0.71% 56 1.93% /บริการ/
9 80 0.23% 52 1.79% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202407.html
10 210 0.60% 47 1.62% /ติดต่อเรา/

Top 10 of 70 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3376 9.70% 934 30.98% /
2 8403 24.15% 504 16.72% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
3 986 2.83% 184 6.10% /หน้าแรก/
4 850 2.44% 92 3.05% /Contact-us/
5 288 0.83% 70 2.32% /About-us/
6 75 0.22% 70 2.32% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202404.html
7 248 0.71% 64 2.12% /บริการ/
8 210 0.60% 61 2.02% /ติดต่อเรา/
9 80 0.23% 53 1.76% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202407.html
10 226 0.65% 52 1.72% /Packing-solution/

Top 30 of 2671 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1648 4.74% 1339 4.45% 18924 3.89% 1 0.03%
2 747 2.15% 0 0.00% 422 0.09% 1 0.03%
3 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 2051 0.42% 1 0.03%
4 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 9000 1.85% 1 0.03%
5 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1195 0.25% 1 0.03%
6 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1195 0.25% 1 0.03%
7 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1754 0.36% 1 0.03%
8 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1754 0.36% 1 0.03%
9 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 2728 0.56% 1 0.03%
10 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 5890 1.21% 1 0.03%
11 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 2051 0.42% 1 0.03%
12 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1748 0.36% 1 0.03%
13 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 2767 0.57% 1 0.03%
14 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 5890 1.21% 1 0.03%
15 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1612 0.33% 1 0.03%
16 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 1773 0.36% 1 0.03%
17 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 5577 1.15% 1 0.03%
18 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 2727 0.56% 1 0.03%
19 243 0.70% 152 0.50% 1583 0.33% 54 1.66%
20 228 0.66% 227 0.75% 1676 0.34% 1 0.03%
21 209 0.60% 60 0.20% 1383 0.28% 1 0.03%
22 201 0.58% 135 0.45% 2293 0.47% 45 1.38%
23 198 0.57% 197 0.65% 7126 1.46% 1 0.03%
24 196 0.56% 195 0.65% 1533 0.31% 1 0.03%
25 194 0.56% 102 0.34% 988 0.20% 55 1.69%
26 179 0.51% 130 0.43% 3548 0.73% 3 0.09%
27 172 0.49% 154 0.51% 3221 0.66% 1 0.03%
28 170 0.49% 92 0.31% 806 0.17% 48 1.47%
29 165 0.47% 163 0.54% 3995 0.82% 1 0.03%
30 155 0.45% 136 0.45% 2811 0.58% 2 0.06%

Top 10 of 2671 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1648 4.74% 1339 4.45% 18924 3.89% 1 0.03%
2 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 9000 1.85% 1 0.03%
3 198 0.57% 197 0.65% 7126 1.46% 1 0.03%
4 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 5890 1.21% 1 0.03%
5 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 5890 1.21% 1 0.03%
6 244 0.70% 243 0.81% 5577 1.15% 1 0.03%
7 132 0.38% 130 0.43% 4944 1.02% 2 0.06%
8 39 0.11% 30 0.10% 4578 0.94% 0 0.00%
9 114 0.33% 94 0.31% 4505 0.93% 1 0.03%
10 102 0.29% 92 0.31% 4487 0.92% 1 0.03%

Top 27 of 135 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 16513 47.47% - (Direct Request)
2 8361 24.03%
3 432 1.24%
4 96 0.28%
5 44 0.13%
6 38 0.11%
7 20 0.06%
8 16 0.05%
9 12 0.03%
10 10 0.03%
11 10 0.03%
12 8 0.02%
13 6 0.02%
14 6 0.02%
15 6 0.02%
16 4 0.01%
17 4 0.01%
18 2 0.01%
19 2 0.01%
20 2 0.01%
21 2 0.01%
22 2 0.01%
23 2 0.01%
24 2 0.01%
25 2 0.01%
26 2 0.01%
27 1 0.00%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 10 62.50%
2 4 25.00%
3 2 12.50%

Top 15 of 419 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6694 19.24% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.99 Safari/537.36
2 6159 17.70% Go-http-client/1.1
3 1718 4.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
4 1667 4.79% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.120 Safari/537.36
5 1648 4.74% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 1302 3.74% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
7 917 2.64% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Mobile/15E148
8 911 2.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
9 866 2.49% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
10 836 2.40% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
11 599 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
12 591 1.70% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
13 578 1.66% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
14 560 1.61% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
15 474 1.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 28 of 28 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 13505 38.82% 12807 42.54% 176802 36.30% Unresolved/Unknown
2 8054 23.15% 5892 19.57% 105900 21.74% Commercial (com)
3 5987 17.21% 5654 18.78% 84237 17.30% China
4 4549 13.08% 3588 11.92% 69602 14.29% Network (net)
5 1909 5.49% 1635 5.43% 39063 8.02% Thailand
6 214 0.62% 203 0.67% 2150 0.44% European Union
7 166 0.48% 140 0.47% 1476 0.30% Germany
8 126 0.36% 118 0.39% 2149 0.44% Japan
9 84 0.24% 78 0.26% 1481 0.30% India
10 68 0.20% 64 0.21% 1522 0.31% Viet Nam
11 35 0.10% 26 0.09% 122 0.03% Non-Profit (org)
12 24 0.07% 20 0.07% 1398 0.29% Russian Federation
13 16 0.05% 0 0.00% 9 0.00% Cambodia
14 14 0.04% 14 0.05% 76 0.02% United States
15 6 0.02% 0 0.00% 3 0.00% St. Helena
16 5 0.01% 2 0.01% 10 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
17 5 0.01% 4 0.01% 22 0.00% Norway
18 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 246 0.05% France
19 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 476 0.10% Poland
20 3 0.01% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Canada
21 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 236 0.05% Italy
22 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 9 0.00% Netherlands
23 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 9 0.00% Portugal
24 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Brazil
25 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 9 0.00% Belarus
26 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Israel
27 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Kyrgyzstan
28 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Serbia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23